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Top 5 reasons why most mobile apps fail

More than half of all mobile applications on the market today will have to be replaced or rewritten completely in the next two years. This frightening statistics highlights that there is a very complex process, rich in resources and with problems to make a successful mobile application development. After listening to the stories of hundreds of mobile application developers, these are the five main reasons why most mobile applications fail as a business.

Problem 1: make a complicated mobile application

The business websites and the web application work in a common way: users log in, navigate through several pages, and find the page they are looking for and access / manipulate data to perform a desired task. Mobile applications are very different, they are created with a limited set of tasks in mind and allow users to perform these tasks quickly while running with minimal navigation. Mobile applications must be single and single-service gateways to the largest and most complex offers of a business or enterprise website.
If you build your mobile application as your website, you will fail.

Problem 2: underestimate resources

According to Forrester Research, the creation of a business mobile application takes approximately $ 250,000 and almost a year. To further complicate this process, finding quality mobile developers is not an easy task. Mobile application developers currently enjoy a high demand market where they often choose and select the projects they would like to work on. Unfortunately, a business-oriented mobile renovation of a business website is not as sexy as the startup application that could be the next big thing.

Problem 3: Security risks

One of the most difficult parts of the mobile app creation process is the creation of a public-facing API that gives consumers access to their data and functionality. This process usually takes 12-24 months. Every time the developers deal with access permissions and expose the business logic, they assume a great risk and multiply the layers of complexities. The more you can create without exposing the logic through the APIs, the greater the solution.

Problem 4: downloads of low applications

Most of the time, application developers invest a considerable amount of time and money in creating a mobile application only to discover that nobody is using it. SAP discovered that more than 75% of mobile applications are downloaded once and then never used again. It is imperative to collect comments and measure behaviors within your mobile applications immediately after launch. The more frequently you post updates, the higher the ratings will be. Mobile app

Problem 5: the commercialization of mobile applications is difficult

The development of mobile applications is expensive and time-consuming. Even when the long and complicated process has ended, only half of the battle has been one. Gaining exposure in the industry over its competitors in a saturated market is not an easy task and requires even more investment. CPC ads in popular ad networks are usually a first step given by new applications in the market, but many of them have returned to print ads in magazines and, if the budget permits, television ads in popular networks.
Credibility adds an advantage to the mix, so at The Best Mobile App Awards we're here to help. We have discovered that developers and agencies that participate in our awards contests and win many more downloads and a competitive advantage by showing their winning badge on all the lists in their market.

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