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The best marketing strategy

We are in the 2019 and many things have changed since 2018. We have had the same conversation year after year and we discussed what has changed with respect to the previous year. Many marketing experts use different statistics, consumer behavior traits and business growth to judge what is really the best marketing strategy, however, this can be misleading.
Many new business owners and startups read and believe everything, leaving them confused as to which the best is marketing strategy, regardless of whether it is 2018 or 2024.
There's no way we can predict what the marketing industry would look like 6 years from now, as if we did not even know that Instagram or Snapchat would exist and become such an important part of the marketing world 6 years ago, however, in this blog, we will talk about the most important, most effective and most important marketing strategy in history.

Word of mouth:

You may be surprised to hear this; However, let us tell you that this is the most solid and effective marketing method of all. For the world in which we live today, nothing will be more powerful than the opinion of your best friend about a particular brand or company.
Yes, we have Facebook advertising that is, without doubt, the best strategy to scale a business quickly, however, a good word of mouth is a slow but very powerful method once it becomes global or local, depending on its nature commercial.
Let us give you an example; Amazon. Amazon has dominated consumer behavior and customer service. They kept their promise of Amazon Prime, as well as one day delivery in 99% of the time, even during the great holiday seasons. You may be thinking, well, this is easy, they are one of the biggest companies in the world. Manage a business on this large scale and operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and keep the promise that 99% of online businesses cannot, despite not being so close to the size of Amazon, is really great.
So, where are we getting with this? Let's say you have a birthday party to go tomorrow, but you're busy and you cannot go shopping, so go to Amazon, order a gift and arrive at your door in the morning. You would say to your friends, right? Not because it's something very special, but because they kept their promise and because they saved you from embarrassing you at the birthday party by not bringing anything.
Throughout time, you become an Amazon customer and automatically suggest Amazon to everyone who believes you can benefit from their services because they did not disappoint you.


Word of mouth marketing is a very slow process that never ends and may take years before your business really takes off, however, once you do it and if you have been working hard to keep your promises, you are ready for success in a big way in the next years.

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