6 mobile application development trends of 2018
By understanding the trends of application development, you
can set yourself up for success in a highly competitive market where only the
smartest survive. Let's take a look at the 6 most current trends in the
development of applications in 2018:
There are more than 3.5 billion unique mobile internet users
as of August 2017; of the total global use of the internet, 80% is driven by
mobile devices. It goes without saying that the mobile market is very lucrative.
As of June 2018, Google Play Store had approximately 3.3 million applications.
On the other hand, the Apple App Store had 2 million applications in the first
quarter of 2018. It is hard to imagine that when it was launched, the App Store
only had 800 applications.
Here are the 6 main mobile applications
development trends of 2018 that you should pay attention to:
# 1 Internet of Things (IoT)
If you control the thermostat in your home with your smartphone,
this would be a perfect example of the IoT in action. Other more advanced forms
of IoT devices include autonomous cars, smart speakers such as the Amazon Echo
and smart bulbs. As of 2017, it was estimated that there were 8,400 million IoT
devices worldwide and it is estimated that they will increase to 30,000 million
devices by 2020.
The Internet of things and cloud computing go hand in hand
and show a very promising relationship to improve performance and data security
for younger corporations, organizations or companies. But not being prepared
for certain cloud computing challenges that come with cloud adoption can have
its drawbacks: "If you just moved your storage, applications or website to
a network in the cloud, your trip still it has not finished! To save your
business from the vulnerabilities and threats associated with the cloud, you
must have a clear cloud management strategy. Interruptions, low performance,
security risks and several other problems affect many organizations ", experts
from Day Digital clarify.
# 2 Android Instant Apps
Instant applications were first introduced at the Google I /
O Developer Conference in 2016. Unlike native applications, you can start using
them instantly without downloading them. The technology was made available to
the general public in May 2017.
Behind the scenes, an application development company will
split its applications into small parts that can be executed individually. This
small size allows instant applications to start in seconds. A "Try it now"
button next to the application indicates that it is an instant application. The
ability to use an application without installing it is very attractive for
users who want to try it before committing to download it permanently.
# 3 mobile payment
The ability to securely pay something with a touch on your
smartphone feels very futuristic. The increase in digital security means that
you no longer need to carry cash in your wallet. Many companies are adding the
possibility of paying using their smartphone as a viable option. Simply
authenticate the purchase with your favorite mobile payment application and let
the technology do the rest.
As we see this technology evolving, paying for something you
have purchased with your smartphone will become the most common way to transfer
money safely and conveniently.
# 4 Virtual Reality (VR)
As the prices of virtual reality headsets decrease each
year, one of the biggest challenges in how to become virtual reality is slowly
being defeated. The advances in the technology of the premium range, such as
Oculus and Vive, as well as the mobile experience make 2018 a great year for
virtual reality.
Not only are the players interested. The medical industry
has received technology with open arms and uses it to practice difficult surgeries.
The market of applications of virtual reality is
experiencing an enormous growth in the actuality and it does not seem to be
decelerating in the short term, since the cost of the consumers in content /
applications of virtual reality is expected to reach the $ 2.4 billion for
# 5 cross-platform applications
The user base of the mobile application is divided mainly
between Android and iOS. Developers eager to access both markets are
increasingly trying to create cross-platform applications. This will allow them
to reach a much wider audience and, at the same time, save money by not
developing each application individually.
The applications developed in the React Native framework are
quite fluid and allow developers to reuse their codes. This is because
everything is done in JavaScript, a language deep enough to face the challenge
of multiplatform development.
# 6 Blockchain
While blockchain is usually associated with cryptocurrency,
it is actually much more versatile than that. It is considered a safe way to
make a transaction for its design. This is the reason why 9 out of 10
governments plan to invest in blockchain for asset management, financial
transaction management and regulatory compliance purposes. In addition, one
third of all banks are expected to adopt blockchain in 2018.
Louis Pasteur once said: "Chance favors the
preparations." You cannot expect things to go your way if you have not
configured them properly for success. The year 2018 is a great year for the
development of applications. The question is: how are you going to take
advantage of it?