Main principles to follow for the sustainable development of applications
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Creating an application that remains relevant in the long
term is a challenge. The reality is that, with the continuous updating of the
operating system, changes in market dynamics, changes in the needs and demands
of people and an increasing competition for application development, many
applications become rather irrelevant in a short period of time. And that is
the harsh reality for the developers and producers of applications in this
industry. But this difficulty can be measured through a Sustainable
Applications Development approach that can guarantee the usefulness of
long-term applications. There is no defined set of instructions for future
proof applications, but if effective measures are taken in the direction of the
strategy, the creation of product definitions, the design and development of
applications, constant success can be guaranteed to long term.
The following principles for the sustainable development of
applications are the following:
Evaluate real needs first
One needs to build a product that meets the real needs of
real people. This means understanding the target market, its particular needs,
gaps in existing services and then creating or improving applications that
solve those problems in a significant or total way. Doing this must precede the
process of developing the application, since this is the basis on which the
direction of development will take shape. In addition, it will make its
application more viable and, in the long run, more effective in addressing the
needs of the target market for these other products.
Always implement scalable designs
This is very difficult to do, but once one can achieve it,
the benefits to harvest are profound. Scalable designs allow one to leave space
to accommodate new functions and make applications flexible enough to respond
to future changes in existing features as well. They do not make the initial
versions of the application seem to fail in any way. But in reality they allow
them to act as a foundation on which to build, rebuild and improve applications
from time to time, making possible the sustainable development of applications.
To use an example, the navigation menu in an application is a common feature
that benefits from scalable designs. If a viable Minimum Product in your
company only has some functions now, but there is a possibility that new
functions are added in the future, then the navigation menu of your application
must be flexible enough to accommodate the additional / modified product
information correspondent. As the product evolves.
Collect and analyze user comments
One can enter the market with an application that can only
be called an MVP to discover how people respond, in order to evaluate which
features are really popular, which ones need more adjustments, which are the
new ones that they need. to be incorporated and, what is more important, what
are the additions or changes that would guarantee the sustainability of the use
of the application in the future. User comments and analysis of current usage
data are very important to understand what users will probably look for in
their applications in the near future. Therefore, this is a very important
principle to follow in the Development of Sustainable Applications.
Update and release often
Keep the applications updated to keep them relevant in the
context of the current needs of your target market and also to respond without
problems to technological changes as they occur. Free the evolved applications
at the right time to achieve the greatest impact, so that customers always get
what they want. Make sure that one must add value with each update and launch
it, adding new features and functionalities where necessary. Test assumptions
and route maps if necessary, but update and release applications often so that
they remain relevant to prospective customers.
There will always be external factors that could make the
path of sustainable application development more difficult than it already is.
But if you adhere to the above principles no matter what, then you can achieve
sustainable success by developing sustainable applications.