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How to do social media marketing to outperform your competitors

More than 50 billion companies are on social networks. Many are on multiple social networking sites. But how many of these accounts remain inactive with limited followers and commitment? It is not difficult to run into these commercial pages if you try. These accounts simply do not know how to do social media marketing in the right way.
This is because the mere fact of being in social networks does not attract existing customers to follow or share their publications. They can love their staff, services or products. But if you do not give them a reason to participate online, they will not.
Learn how to do social media marketing in the right way. Delight these existing customers. Attracts potential customers at the same time. Increase revenues and maximize profits.
This is what you need to know about how to do social media marketing and get results.

Build quality tracking

It all starts with who you are attracting. If you have low quality tracking, one of these two things will happen.
One, you have a very poor commitment. You only get 1-2 I like or share in any publication, if that. You get very few comments, which are a key signal of a disconnected audience.
Two, you get the commitment. People seem to love your publications. But it does not translate into increases in income.
Either way, you have a commitment problem. If any of these is the status of your social media profiles, it will be difficult to prove that you are reaping real business benefits from social media. The truth is that social networks are just a hobby that you are doing with your company's time and budget.
But it does not have to be this way if you know how to do social media marketing in the right way.

How to build a quality following?

To get quality monitoring on social networks, be clear about who your target audience is. They are not all on Facebook, YouTube or Snap chat. It is a relatively narrow group of people. Build each publication with these people in mind.
Delight people by making the content feel very personalized to their experiences. Make them come back for more.
Now it's like doing social media marketing!

Establish a social media budget

Do you want to know how to do social media marketing and get results? Know how much you have to spend and where you should spend it. Social networks can feel like "free" advertising. But it is far from that. There are costs. Understanding them will determine your success. Marketing paid on social networks
Otherwise, excessive spending is inevitable. In addition to overspending, companies that do not budget often do not realize that something is not working. They keep throwing money at him.
And worst of all, without a budget, companies are stepping on water. Their social media profile is performing on a regular basis, which gives them hope. But it is not improving.
Marketing in social networks is strategic. It's not just random sharing and hoping for the best. It is efficient and directed. Create a social media budget to know exactly where the money is going and why.

What goes into a social media budget?

Each social media budget will include some key elements, which you can pay in time and / or money.
Content creation: someone needs to create content. This should include content types of complete content (videos, memes, blog posts, webinars, slide shows, landing pages, etc.)
Research, division tests and analysis: someone needs to investigate what will be effective. You may need to test between two options to maximize the results. Then they need to measure the results and learn from them.
Daily management of social networks: a person should manage publications, respond to comments and queries and offer a consistent experience.
Automation: automation reduces repetitive and monotonous tasks. At the same time, it improves consistency.
Advertising on social networks: it is almost impossible to build a social network by following or maximizing your presence without paid advertising.
Get results by tracking your time and money expenses in each of these categories. If you are not sure how much these things cost, it is easy to do an online research. Or get a quote from a social media marketing agency.
The closer you track these expenses each month, the easier it will be to allocate the appropriate money in each category.
That's how to do marketing on social networks in a budget.

Have clear goals

What do you want social networks to do for you? "I want to increase my profits," you could say. But just like anything in business, you need a clear path to get there. To increase profits, you need to take some incremental steps. Here are the basics that address social networks.
Increase the reach among your target audience: put your brand in front of more people who are probably customers. If no one sees your profile, website or online business, you must address this goal before you can continue.
Create brand awareness: How do you want to be known online? How will you make people remember you? What will make you think about your brand when they need what you offer?
Increase commitment: social networks only work if you get the public to commit. This offers others "social proof". The social test is like a magnet that attracts more potential customers.
Generating leads: If you sell a product / service that is not cheap, you may need to generate leads that you can develop in a more personalized way through your salesperson or email marketing.
Quick sales / inscriptions: if you sell a product or service that requires a little less foresight, you can opt for quick sale. But this will be more effective after you've done one and two.
Increase in value for the customer (CLV): social media is an excellent place to re-engage existing customers to encourage them to spend more.
Take it step by step. Each step is based on the last one. You will continually feed the pipeline by applying strategies to meet each of these 6 basic objectives.

Take advantage of paid social networks

While social networks may seem like a free way to reach your audience, few companies find success without investing money in paid advertising on social media.
Like social media marketing, social media advertising helps you achieve your main goals in social networks.
Use paid advertising to:
  • ·         Build you’re following
  • ·         Increase commitment
  • ·         Generate cables
  • ·         Make quick sales
  • ·         Re-engage existing customers
  • ·         Know that commitment is a two-way street

Many companies that are trying to discover how to do social media marketing are "talking to" people. "Take a look at our blog post." "See our new products". And so.
While some of this is fine, it is important to realize that social networks are, first and foremost, a place where people become social. If they feel that their brand is "talking to them", they will be disconnected. You will lose followers or you will never win them. You will have low commitment.
Instead, learn how to do social media marketing correctly and start a conversation between you and your target audience. You can do this with potential clients by:
·         Have a conversational copy
·         Interacting with followers Follow back. I like it. Share something when it aligns well with your brand.
  • ·         Answering messages as soon as possible
  • ·         Responding to comments
  • Incorporating images, videos, emoji’s and other more interesting publications.

Create content your followers love

What kind of content impresses your audience? What makes you want to engage with you? How does this content promote your business objectives?
Creating content that people like and that aligns well with your brand is not so easy. Everything starts making sure you know who your customers are. Investigate who you are involved with? How do they get involved? Where do they commit? With what kind of content are they committed?
You will build your content around what you discover. A research firm on the Internet, Global Web Index, discovered that people use social networks for these reasons.
use of social networks Find ways to align these motives with your target audience and your brand. Build your content around these 3 components. This is how you will create more social media content that your audience will love. Keep in mind that 29% of people are on social networks to look for brands and find things to buy. But this should not be your only angle.
How can you build content around some of these other reasons ...?
  • ·         News / Events (41%)
  • ·         Free time filling (39%)
  • ·         Sharing your own videos / photos (32%).

Regardless of what you decide to do, make sure you can clearly relate your brand. Creating and sharing funny memes that have little to do with your brand can have many "likes". But are they promoting their brand objectives? Are you taking another step towards a sale? That is something that you will have to solve by reviewing your social network analysis.

Automate to maximize your time and performance

Many companies are running their social network management very inefficiently. They do not even know it. You do not have to be one of them. And that gives you the competitive advantage.
They do not realize that there are automation tools that can cut hours or days without working. Since time is money, this is costing them a lot more money than they could have spent on an automation tool.
Automation tools streamline the management of social networks through
Make sure that the content of social networks is published at the best time. If you can only "do" social media one day a week, this allows you to schedule publications throughout the week. You should still sign in several times a day to interact with your audience. But it does automate an important function.
Helping you to heal ideas. You could be scouring the Internet to find things to publish. Automation allows you to set parameters to bring the best ideas to use.
Publication on multiple platforms at the same time. If you're on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you can share with all three at once through automation. However, keep in mind that these platforms are not used in the same way by users. You must use some discretion with respect to the way you publish and what you publish to the 3.
There are many other ways in which automation helps you save time and engage the audience more consistently. The most advanced tools can have a prohibitive cost for small businesses, so it is important to do your research.
Commit yourself to learn how to use the software to make the most of it. Or work with a digital marketing agency that will already have automation and advanced technical knowledge to put it to work for you.

Promote publications to maximize returns

If you have a publication that has a lot of commitment among your followers, you can be sitting in a gold mine. If you have a high quality follow-up, these followers are representative of your target audience. Make the most of this by enhancing the publications that you really liked your fans.
If the publication had 1,000 impressions and received 20 commitments, imagine what can happen if you raise it to 10,000 impressions!
Impulse is an excellent way to reach new potential customers. But follow some very important rules to get the best results.
Incorporating images, videos, emoji’s and other more interesting publications.

Create content your followers love

What kind of content impresses your audience? What makes you want to engage with you? How does this content promote your business objectives?
Creating content that people like and that aligns well with your brand is not so easy. Everything starts making sure you know who your customers are. Investigate who you are involved with? How do they get involved? Where do they commit? With what kind of content are they committed?
You will build your content around what you discover. A research firm on the Internet, Global Web Index, discovered that people use social networks for these reasons.
use of social networks Find ways to align these motives with your target audience and your brand. Build your content around these 3 components. This is how you will create more social media content that your audience will love. Keep in mind that 29% of people are on social networks to look for brands and find things to buy. But this should not be your only angle.
How can you build content around some of these other reasons ...?
  • ·         News / Events (41%)
  • ·         Free time filling (39%)
  • ·         Sharing your own videos / photos (32%).

Regardless of what you decide to do, make sure you can clearly relate your brand. Creating and sharing funny memes that have little to do with your brand can have many "likes". But are they promoting their brand objectives? Are you taking another step towards a sale? That is something that you will have to solve by reviewing your social network analysis.

Automate to maximize your time and performance

Many companies are running their social network management very inefficiently. They do not even know it. You do not have to be one of them. And that gives you the competitive advantage.
They do not realize that there are automation tools that can cut hours or days without working. Since time is money, this is costing them a lot more money than they could have spent on an automation tool.
Automation tools streamline the management of social networks through
Make sure that the content of social networks is published at the best time. If you can only "do" social media one day a week, this allows you to schedule publications throughout the week. You should still sign in several times a day to interact with your audience. But it does automate an important function.
Helping you to heal ideas. You could be scouring the Internet to find things to publish. Automation allows you to set parameters to bring the best ideas to use.
Publication on multiple platforms at the same time. If you're on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you can share with all three at once through automation. However, keep in mind that these platforms are not used in the same way by users. You must use some discretion with respect to the way you publish and what you publish to the 3.
There are many other ways in which automation helps you save time and engage the audience more consistently. The most advanced tools can have a prohibitive cost for small businesses, so it is important to do your research.
Commit yourself to learn how to use the software to make the most of it. Or work with a digital marketing agency that will already have automation and advanced technical knowledge to put it to work for you.
Promote publications to maximize returns
If you have a publication that has a lot of commitment among your followers, you can be sitting in a gold mine. If you have a high quality follow-up, these followers are representative of your target audience. Make the most of this by enhancing the publications that you really liked your fans.
If the publication had 1,000 impressions and received 20 commitments, imagine what can happen if you raise it to 10,000 impressions!
Impulse is an excellent way to reach new potential customers. But follow some very important rules to get the best results.
To convert the commitment of social networks to tangible income, some of your publications on social networks should lead to your website. Once on your website, you can more easily convert a visitor into a paying customer.
Add links to blog posts in your social media posts. How to do marketing in social networks.

Take people to a landing page with an offer.

Organize a contest to exchange contact information and have the opportunity to win. 77% of people prefer email when companies want to communicate with them. Once you have an email address, you can nurture this potential customer in a more personalized way.
Exhibit new products or services. How to do marketing in social networks.

Use Analytics to improve your performance

Google Analytics and the analyzes in the social networking platform will be your guide. They tell you what is working and what is a waste of time.
Each audience and industry is a little different. It is important not to make assumptions. Blindly following online gurus who offer impressive results by doing "this one thing" is not how to do social media marketing. After applying any strategy, you learn online, you observe the results.
Analytics will tell you quickly if you are on the right track. What should you measure?
In the management of social networks, some of the important measurements that must be followed include:
Increase in net followers: how many new followers are attracting less than those who are losing. If you have poor quality tracking, you may see a downward trend as you try to improve the quality of your tracking.
  • ·         Impressions: how many people are viewing your publications.
  • ·         Participation rate
  • ·         Profile visits / views

In Google Analytics, you need to see:
Where the traffic comes from: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Search, etc. This helps you understand where you are doing things well with social networks and on what platform it is worth investing more time.

How much traffic comes from social networks?

What people do when they arrive at your website: this is measured in time on the page, duration of the session and bounce rate. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave without clicking anything on your website. The way people interact can help you learn if you are attracting people who really appreciate your website and your business.
What paths people take through their website. - On what pages are people coming? Do they go where you want them to go (for example, contact page, booking page, sales page, etc.?
Demography - Are you attracting your target audience?
In a final bit of analysis, determine how much of your income is generated through social media activity.

How to do social media marketing and get results

There is much more to social media marketing than meets the eye. Learning how to do social media marketing effectively inevitably requires time and money as you go about solving things. But there are clear and proven strategies that you can apply to get results faster with less time and money wasted.
Make sure you have a budget and follow it. Set clear goals Work through them step by step. Take advantage of paid advertising. And put the appropriate focus on retaining and re-engaging existing customers and followers.
Are you getting amazing results with social networks as our customers? Can you clearly see how it contributes to increasing revenue and customer retention? If not, it's time to take marketing on social networks seriously. Get a return on your investment. Work with a proven social media management company that gets results for customers. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

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