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Waking up to discover that your site has been disfigured is as uncomfortable as it is possible to feel it. Waking up to discover that your users' information has been stolen and your credit cards used by third parties is a liability and a nightmare. Sweet dreams now, everyone!
For website owners and others who do not know how to reinforce their own servers against attacks, it seems a nightmare about which they cannot do much. Well, I have good news: if you have a simple static site on a host that even knows what they are doing, you are probably safe.
But the more complex systems you have in any situation, the more potential security holes there will be. That means more vigilance, and more work to ensure it. On the positive side, people who enter other systems are nothing if they are not predictable. There are a number of quite common types of attacks that can be prevented to a large extent through simple forecasting and planning.
Without further ado, in no particular order, I present some of the most common ways in which people will try to enter your site:


Ask any security expert in any field: the most common failure point is not software or hardware. They are the people, and their inclination to do silly things. You know, silly things like leaving passwords written in an obvious place, or just giving a user's account to someone over the phone.
It is quite common for a "hacker" to call customer service before doing something else. If you can successfully convince someone to simply give you the information they need, hours, or even days, have been saved. Therefore, by ensuring that your servers are secure, you must also ensure that your employees have security processes to follow.


This is still great, believe it or not, and especially in corporate environments. Updating many computers at once is a big problem. Sometimes, updates are delayed by system administrators who just want to make sure that none of the new updates will break their internal software. Others are really restricted, they are forbidden to install updates by the nervous administration.
Sometimes, the IT department is practically fired, and a child in the mail room is told to "know about computers" to keep everything running. Whatever the reason, sometimes security updates are not installed, and systems are vulnerable. For websites, it's generally that nobody is updating WordPress. Just do it.


Programmers are a brilliant race in general, but some have more experience than others. And even among the best, the bugs pass by. Many people start in the world of programming by coding supplements for other software, such as CMS add-ons.
Remember what I said about more complexity that leads to more security holes? Well, more complements mean more complexity. Have all add-ins checked in some way before installing them and update them every time the fixes come out, like the rest of the software.


In this case, the security policy will refer to how you ask your users to contribute to the security of their own account. These policies are things like security questions, requirements for secure passwords, two-factor authentication and even physical account security tokens used by institutions like banks. Email verification is quite common, and one of the easiest ways to handle this. However, it is not completely infallible.
However, having no way to verify who is who is just a recipe for disaster.


These are also known as SQL injection attacks, or Sq Lite. Basically, someone enters your website and looks for forms. A contact form, a registration form, a submission form, any of these, will do so as long as they send information directly to a SQL database.
They simply enter basic and common SQL statements into the text fields in the hope of extracting data from their database. And unless the entries in your form are disinfected (removed from things like SQL commands when forms are sent), it will work.


Depending on how things are programmed, the data can simply ... leak. URLs may contain confidential information, for example. People can simply search their Google site and find URL with confidential information. If you upload confidential files to unprotected folders on your server, anyone can download them. If people can access the configuration files of their CMS in some way, they probably have a way to enter.
This is not always the result of poor programming either. Sometimes, you can forget about setting the correct permissions on a folder or something like that. Accidental leaks happen.


Click jacking occurs in one of two ways: one, someone configures a malicious site with content that seems innocent enough. But when they click on the site, they will do something they do not necessarily want to do (like "I like" on Facebook and do not want them) or take them somewhere they do not want to go.
Two, someone manages to inject code into their site to hijack their clicks, with the same end result. In the worst case, this can cause users to compromise personal information by writing their information on a site that closely resembles their own, but is not.
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