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4 main reasons why app developers love the Apple Health Records API

Apple has always been known to generate evolution in the field of mobile application development; and this time, it's bringing a blessing with the Health Records API for developers. iOS 12 has brought a revolution to the world of mobile applications and health. It has a new and exciting feature that allows access to health records with the health kit. Before this, in iOS 11.3, they offered the function to access Health and Health Records.
With the API of Health Registries in iOS, users of the application can connect to their corresponding health institutes and download their health records to preserve and access them quickly. These features in iOS provide more space for developers who are involved in the development of applications for health care.
Developers can create different applications for health care in relation to various consumer requirements, such as medication tracking, disease management, nutrition planning and much more, which we will discuss in detail here in this article. These are the main reasons why application developers love the Apple Health Records API.

1. Drug monitoring

For this function, Apple has provided an approach to developing applications to collect medical information from more than 500 hospitals and clinics. Compile the complete data and it is available to users with the Medisafe application, where they can safely download a medication prescription without manually entering patient details.
The application allows users to enable pill reminders and receive relevant medical information from time to time. This application is also able to warn patients about the incorrect intake of pills, since it has a complete view of the medical details of several hospitals.

2. Disease management

iOS brings the revolutionary change in the development of health care applications that allows developers to make several types of method calls. Apple introduced new types of samples in Health Kit, which allow application developers to integrate various aspects of health management.
By using the Sample Type - Clinical type of HK during the development of the application, developers can integrate the function of access and administration of health records. If the consumer is diagnosed with an illness, he can track that disease in the application itself.
The development of applications for health care is being simplified more for developers, and now they can create an application for the control of diseases, such as an application for heart disease or diabetes. These types of applications can help patients quickly access health records, such as lab results and prescriptions.
The different types of samples in Health Kit Integration allow users to frequently check the overview of their health status in the current state and help them stay on the scale.

3. Nutrition management

Medical care does not stop at the doors of the hospital, so the development of the health care application should not. What we eat affects our health and, therefore, we must manage it efficiently.
With this need for our daily nutrition management, developers must innovate with the development of the application to provide users with a nutrition management application that works best.
This type of application can also help the user to manage their feeding schedules, what type of nutrition should be consumed, what proportion of each element should be maintained, maintain the corresponding nutritional intake to control blood pressure, sugar level and other vital aspects . .
Along with this, they can work on their exercise schedules to maintain proper body weight. Developers can also create custom applications that help users manage according to their blood pressure or cholesterol reports, such as recommending that they reduce salt intake or increase fiber ratios at meals.

4. Medical research

It has always been an additional task to ask patients to complete their complete medical history. It is very possible that they do not remember everything and miss something very critical related to their current health condition; and, this happens quite frequently. Well, such scenarios create many problems for doctors and physicians while the patient's past health conditions are verified.
However, the iOS Health Record API allows developers to integrate the identifier of the necessary research kit or the type of call during the development of the application, which can help doctors verify the complete medical history of their patients. patients
The new identifiers introduced by iOS also provide comfort to patients, as they do not have to make an effort to remember the whole painful medical history and yet help doctors perform an appropriate exam every time they visit. Now, patients only have to share their approval with medical researchers to access the specific details of their medical history for a complete and adequate examination.

In addition to the above,

Apple remains on par with providing the promised security to users by encrypting patient data.
They ensure that the patient's data flows directly from the user's health kit to the requested third-party application and nothing is acquired on Apple's servers.
In addition, the integration of the application allows you to read the FHIR in the health kits store.
For developers, you can use several types of queries to add to the development of the application to allow the user to access relevant clinical records.


For developers who are involved in the development of applications for health care, iOS provides a lot of appropriate identifiers to accelerate the application development process.
You can use the sample types and identifiers to create the features of the application, such as
·         Extract the medical history and keep it and maintain it.
·         Regular controls of the pulsations.
·         Timely controls of blood pressure and sugar levels.
·         Management of diet and exercise for a healthy life.
·         Calculate the counts of steps and direct other trainings to the user to stay on track
·         You can design the applications by taking the cardiogram.
·         The applications to point out specific details of some chronic diseases will also be of great help.
·         Applications like those of cancer patients will help them keep the chemotherapy sessions and schedules as well as the doctors.
Developers are always happy if they get a way to shorten their code or the one that is most effective for users.
Apple has brought many identifiers to support developers in the development of health care applications, which is also revolutionizing the healthcare industry.

Developers and FHIR

With many quick identifiers and access to the Rapid Healthcare Interoperability Resources report, developers are more equipped with the skills to develop applications that also provide minute details.
FHIR supports the documentation in a more discreet way. Divide the complete medical history into smaller identifiable parts.
Developers with the permission of users can read the relevant medical data and then use the Health Kit queries to view the individual reports.
The integrated health kit represents the relevant FHIR record as a clinical record sample of HK to store a single condition or result.
After obtaining permission and accessing individual reports, developers must analyze and manage the related FHIR JSON data.
Apple's XCode simulator gives you sample accounts to use when you're creating and testing your application.

Final thoughts

Apple has spent years disseminating excellence and improving people's lives.
People are increasingly concerned about their health with the inventive approach of health care applications.
Developers have the same opportunity to show their experience and improve the standards and ways of life of the people around them.
With this thought in mind, Apple is supporting developers with identifiers in its new Health Records API that is making developers fall in love with it.

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