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Web technology grows much more with each passing year. I am constantly surprised by the incredible projects with which I stumble and the level of detail that comes with its construction.
I recently covered some crazy CSS projects and in this post I want to do it the other way.
I have tracked the web in search of 11 of the best projects promoted by JS that exist. All these are executed in Code Pen, so they are open source and easy to edit / forked if you want to play.

1. Brave rabbit race

The developer Karim Malouf has made some impressive snippets with JavaScript, but this simple web application has to be among my first three.
The rabbit web application is super creative and very technical. It is based on Three.js for animation and rendering, along with TweenMax.js for animation styles.
But this also handles user input and plays music in the background. It really is like an interactive game built on the web that uses some very structural building blocks.


Here is another great project created by Karim and follows a fairly simple format.
The cursor position controls a hand fan that blows air over a hot lion. This is also processed using Three.js and the entire project responds completely to boot.
You can change the size of the window to a pea and it will continue to fit on the screen.
Simply move the cursor to place the fan and click on hold to start a smooth and pleasant breeze. Your new lion friend should respond with kindness.


With this pen the real characteristics are very simple. It is the exhibition and aesthetics that caught my attention.
In this Mighty Fish app you can move the cursor to the left or right side of the screen to encourage the fish to move. It will fly beyond different objects in the environment with real 3D effects.
Of course, this is just a sample, but it is a powerful example of object manipulation based on user information. The script automatically adjusts to speed based on cursor position, something you can use in complex projects or parallax websites to create some incredible effects.


With this extraction animation to update, I have to give the hat to the developer Nikolay Talan. It is elegant, fun to watch and built only in jQuery.
Most of these charging animations are fast and are based mainly on smart phone SDK. But this web application runs in CSS / JS code and is mainly based on jQuery as the only included library.
If you look closely, you will even notice that the trees in the background swing back and forth when the plane flies. It is this level of detail that forced me to add this fragment to the list.


We've all seen some very interesting effects with the HTML5 canvas element and it's fast becoming a treasure for web developers.
This Jack Rutile pen shows that you can create some great effects with a canvas element + a little jQuery.
In this fragment you can click anywhere on the canvas to automatically launch the fireworks into the air. They follow a path to the click location where they explode on a dazzling light screen.
You can even alter the animation effects by using the small toolbar on the side.


The material design styles of Google pushed long shadows into the mainstream for web designers. But few designers use long shadows with a light source like this pen.
This is a complicated concept because you need to define how close the cursor is to certain elements, and then make the long shadows adapt to that position accordingly.
Perhaps the best thing about this pencil is that it runs in pure JavaScript to create the long shadow effect. Really impressive!


In this simple piece of code, you can manipulate the elements of the page with the mouse cursor simply by moving them over them.
It is probably not as innovative as other elements of this list, but it is also not the easiest effect to replicate. Getting the small orbs to move in unison is not easy and the same is true with the detection of floating states.
But developer Tim Holman has a lot of similar fragments in his account if he wants to look for more.


Going back to some Three.js codes, we have this fun project also created by master coder Karim Malouf.
When you slide the mouse across the screen, follow a small ball of wool. The digitized cat keeps an eye on the ball and does not lose focus, no matter how fast you go.
But the coolest part is when you hang the ball right in front of the cat. Actually, he's going to hit the ball. It even moves realistically!


This is a bit simpler but it also shows what you can do with some creativity and JavaScript knowledge.
As you move the cursor through this pencil, you will attract the attention of two little birds. If your focus is directed to one side, the little bird will stop looking in your direction.
This works by filtering where the eyes of the bird are focused and if they can see a bird on each side. It is possible that this is not as complex as you would find it in mobile games, but it is certainly a good project for the web.


While this demonstration is not very interactive, it still catches your attention.
This roller coaster animation runs on canvas elements along with jQuery animations on the Tween ax.
The complete route of the animation is coded in a personalized way and you will even find several roller coasters that move simultaneously. It is a good example of what is possible with the background elements if you know the basic scripts.


I've saved the most exclusive to the end with this crazy canvas project that mimics a web-based Pokémon environment.
Everything works to support music, sprites and movement. Not to mention that with the "activated" debug mode, you can manipulate the environment and change the location of almost everything.
You can learn a lot by playing with this type of code. And this project is available on GitHub for free if you want to get a copy and play with yourself.

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