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Head coach of Bull Bull firefighters Hoi berg: 'The right choice for our organization at this time'

Three years and six months after the Bulls anointed him as the missing piece on a list ready for the championship, Fred Hoi Berg was fired as a coach on Monday morning.

The Bulls promoted associate coach Jim Boylen as head coach. There is no interim in the Boylen title because he is well regarded throughout the administration and property and has the opportunity to win the position permanently, the sources said.
"Decisions like this one are never easy to make, but I felt that this was the right choice for our organization at this time," Bulls executive vice president of basketball operations John Paxson said in a statement.
"After a thorough evaluation, I chose to make this change taking into account the overall development of our team. As a team, I believe it is imperative that we make great strides in the right direction and build the right habits to help put our players in the best position to evolve not only now, but in the future. I want to thank Fred for his dedication and effort, as well as for his ongoing commitment to our team. "
Hoiberg, who compiled a 115-155 record and a playoff spot in his more than three seasons, arrived at the team's practice facility on Monday morning, ready to run the 11 a.m. practice. Both Paxson and general manager Gar Forman were there to relieve him of his obligations.
Hoiberg still wants to train, preferably at the NBA level, a source said. According to her sources, her five-year, $ 25 million contract that runs through next season is fully guaranteed, which means she will receive a full payment until she gets another job.
If Boylen does not win the job permanently, this will be the fifth coaching contract of this administrative regime. Paxson and Forman have hired Bill Cartwright, Scott Skiles, Vinny Del Negro, Tom Thibodeau and Hoiberg.
Coincidentally, another Jim Boylan (different spelling) got the interim coach position when Paxson fired Skiles. Boylan and Boylen worked together at Michigan State.

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