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Creation of RESTful Python web services with Django, Flask and Tornado - New book

REST (short for Representational State Transfer) is the architectural style that drives modern web development services and mobile applications. In fact, developing and interacting with RESTful web services is a required skill in any modern software development work. Sometimes, you have to interact with an existing API and in other cases, you must design a RESTful API from scratch and make it work with JSON (abbreviation of JavaScript object notation).
Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Python 3.5 is the most modern version of Python. It is open source, multiplatform and can be used to develop any type of application, from websites to extremely complex scientific computing applications. There is always a Python package that makes it easier for you to avoid reinventing the wheel and solving problems faster. The most important and popular cloud computing providers facilitate work with Python and its related web frameworks. Therefore, Python is an ideal option to develop RESTful web services. The book covers everything you need to know to select the most appropriate Python web framework and develop a RESTful API from scratch.
It will work with the three most popular Python web frameworks that facilitate the development of RESTful web services or web APIs: Django, Flask and Tornado. Each web framework has its advantages and disadvantages. It will work with examples that represent appropriate cases for each of these web frameworks, in combination with additional Python packages that will simplify the most common tasks. You will learn to use different tools to test and develop high quality, consistent and scalable RESTful web services. You can also take advantage of object-oriented programming, also known as OOP, to maximize code reuse and minimize maintenance costs.
You will always write unit tests and improve the test coverage for all the RESTful Web Services that you will develop throughout the book. Not only will it execute the sample code, but it will also make sure that it writes the tests for its RESTful API.
This book will allow you to learn how to take advantage of many packages that will simplify the most common tasks related to RESTful web services. You can start creating your own RESTful APIs for any domain in any of the web frameworks covered in Python 3.5 or higher.

The creation of RESTful Python web services is organized in the following ten chapters:

Chapter 1, Development of RESTful API with Django
Chapter 2, Working with class-based views and API with hyperlinks in Django
Chapter 3, Improving and adding authentication to an API with Django
Chapter 4, Regulation, filtering, testing and implementing an API with Django
Chapter 5, Developing RESTful APIs with Flask
Chapter 6, Working with models, SQLAlchemy and Hyperlink API in Flask
Chapter 7, Improving and adding authentication to an API with Flask
Chapter 8, Testing and implementing an API with Flask
Chapter 9, Developing the RESTful API with Tornado
Chapter 10, Working with asynchronous code, testing and implementing an API with Tornado

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